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A lot of businesses nowadays turn to importing in order to survive. Those who sell products through mail-order, online auctions, or in brick and mortal stores have found importing very helpful in maintaining their prices low and still competitive; and also increase their profit margins. 


Here are some of the ways one can save significant amount of money when importing:


  • Cut out the middle levels of logistics. Instead of purchasing from a wholesaler who might have bought from an importer, you're saving by getting rid of the additional levels of costs. 

  • Save in foreign exchange rate. A few years back, when Euro was its highest value ratio against US Dollar, many European second-hand car dealers and people found vehicles from the US cost much less to buy and ship to Europe. In some cases, the savings were $10,000 or more per automobile.  

  • Eliminating different levels of shipping costs. Every time a merchandize is shipped to a different place or level of distribution, the shipping cost for the item increases and therefore reduces available profit margin. It is best to ship items directly to your storage or warehouse facility to avoid those additional costs. 

international freight forwarders perth
  • Save in labour costs. Often, importers are faced with a difficult choice -- stay with their merchandise that's domestically produced and price them out of business, or go with the much lower labour costs in a different country.

  • Save from cheaper production costs. A lot of overseas production facilities aren't subject to the higher regulations and taxes that domestic producers are usually subject to. So do your homework and take advantage of this. 

  • Also, go with lower freight rates but work with reliable international freight forwarders in Perth. Click on the links to visit UC Brokers and learn how you can save when importing:

How to Save Money When Importing Products

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